We understand the physical law that is also a spiritual law: light and darkness cannot occupy the same space at the same time. Light dispels darkness. When light is present, darkness is vanquished and must depart. More importantly, darkness cannot conquer light unless the light is diminished or departs. When the spiritual light of the Holy Spirit is present, the darkness of Satan departs (John 1:1-5).
We will not understand the spiritual ramifications of any action unless we understand the effects of the principle of “cause and effect” as it plays out in the Physical Domain. Therefore, we must know who we are in Christ Jesus, occupying this world as His chosen sons and daughters, as kings and priests, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people (1 Peter 2:9). We are the ones who bridge between heaven and earth. We are his ministers weeping between the porch and the altar(Joel 2:17).
Recently, I have been confronted by people who do not believe we have this authority. They say, if the arc angel Michael dare not rebuke Satan, who are we that we may do so?
This is a favorite question of those who do not understand our amazing authority in Christ. In Jude chapter 9, it is recorded that Michael dared not bring a railing accusation against Satan, but simply said, “the Lord rebuke thee.” So, it is reasoned by some, that if this great archangel, who is the helper of all Christians, (Daniel 12:1) dared not bring any criticism or accusation against the fallen archangel, Satan, how is it that we can openly and vehemently rebuke the devil?
In the beginning, God made His supreme creation, man, after his own image – but a little lower than the angels (Psalm 8:5). When Jesus, made in the likeness of sinful man, took man’s place on the cross and died for the whole world, He defeated Satan completely and totally for all time. Not only that, but any person who puts their trust in Christ Jesus automatically becomes a son of God, raised to a much higher level than was possible in the Old Testament days.
In the Old Testament times, the angels were higher than men; but after the cross, believers were elevated higher than angels, including Satan himself. In Ephesians 1:20,21, we read that God the Father raised Jesus from the cross to the position of supreme conqueror, and put him at his right hand on his throne. Those who were defeated are referred to as “principalities”, “powers”, “mighty ones”, and “every name that is named in heaven and earth.” All the defeated enemies are now under Jesus's feet. Positionally, as sons and daughters of the most high God, we are in Christ, and therefore share in His victory. According to the words of Jesus, we may also put our feet on the neck of these fallen angelic and demon powers.
Jesus said to his disciples, “Behold I give onto you power (exousia: authority), to tread on...all the power (dunamis :ability), of the enemy” (Luke 10:19). Jesus was raised to sit in heavenly places by His Father, and is authorized to elevate us also, as we abide in Him. We may exercise His power and authority without any fear of reprisals from our adversary, the devil. Most people are unaware of this authority vested in Christians, and therefore do not use it. Others, perhaps, have been aware of it, but are afraid to try it less they get “backlash.” Thus, Satan goes ahead with his dirty work unopposed.
Too often we pray, but do not take up our spiritual legislation or authority. Jesus did not tell us to pray for Him to rebuke the devil. He did that on the cross. He tells us to rebuke the enemy in His name, and in His stead. We become an extension of Jesus on earth as members of His body – flesh of His flesh and bone of his bone (Ephesians 5:30).
Jesus did not die for angels. He died for humans. Angels have become our ministrants (Hebrews 1:14), to help us exercise the ministry of Jesus here on earth. If He cast out demons, (fallen angels), we may do the same. We now possess His power of attorney, and we must do as he commanded us: “and as you go, preach, heal the sick cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils” (Matthew 10:7,8). The work of every minister of the New Testament Gospel is summed up in this commission. If we preach without healing and casting out demons in His name, we are simply saying, to our everlasting shame, that we know a better way to preach the gospel. In Jihn 14:12 Jesus encourages his disciples and us, "Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father."
When it comes to warfare today, we have many enemies, but Jesus himself told us to be of good cheer, that He has overcome the world (John 16:33).He told us that he was going to the Father but He was leaving us here as his ambassadors with the right to carry His credentials of authority. These verses speak in warfare terms as we are assigned to decimate the kingdom of darkness:
"And these signs will accompany those who believe: in my name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; they shall take up serpants, if they drink any deadly thing it shall not harm them, they shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover" (Mark 16:17-18)
Before his ascension He promised to send power:
“You shall receive power (ability, efficiency, and might) when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you shall be My witnesses in Jerusalem and all Judea and Samaria and to the ends (the very bounds) of the earth” (Acts 1:8).
He gave us the keys to the kingdom with the authority to apprehend:
“I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; and whatever you bind (declare to be improper and unlawful) on earth [i]must be what is already bound in heaven; and whatever you loose (declare lawful) on earth [j]must be what is already loosed in heaven” (Matthew 16:19; Matthew 18:18).
Jesus said if we would ask anything in His name, He would do it. He made it very clear that His Name is the key to all authority: “Whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask anything in My name, I will do it” (John 14:13-14).
He gave us His delegated authority, "And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. (You is the understood subject) YOU Go therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen. (Matthew 28:18-20).
We see He entrusted his people to be his ambassadors, He gave us authority in His name, Holy Spirit fire-power, and the keys to the kingdom, in Revelation 12:11 it describes us as “overcoming through the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony.”
I believe there are three things we must be aware of in order to use this authority Jesus has given us:
· We have to know what it is
· We have to know that it belongs to us
· We have to know how to use it
According to the Miriam Webster dictionary, the definition of authority is “power to influence or command thought, opinion, or behavior; freedom granted by one in authority and a person with the right to command.”
The authority that Jesus is talking about in Luke 10:19 is not brute force power, it’s delegated power, much like a policeman possesses. When a policeman steps out in front of traffic and holds up his hand to stop it, he’s not stopping cars and trucks with his own brute strength – he’s stopping them with the delegated authority that comes from wearing the uniform. He’s backed by the law.
The authority we have in Christ is just like that. When we engage the enemy, we are not stopping the forces of darkness (sickness, fear, evil, lack) with our own strength, we are coming against, binding and loosing, stopping the forces of hell with the delegated authority given to us by God in Christ. We are backed-up by the host of heaven and all the power of God.
God Almighty Himself is the power behind our authority! Ephesians 6:10 says, "Be strong in the Lord and the power of HIS might." That means we can step out in front of the devil, hold up our hand and say 'no', backed by the power of God’s might.
The Bible says that we are the body of Christ (1 Corinthians 12:27). Jesus is the Head, and we are the Body. His authority is perpetuated through the Body. When Jesus rose from the dead, He transferred His authority on earth to His Body, the Church. In God’s mind, when Christ was raised, we were raised.
Ephesians 2:6 NLT says that God “raised us from the dead along with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms because we are united with Christ Jesus.” Both the Head and the Body are seated there, next to God, in the place of power and authority. That means we are seated there! We are seated in the power position, and we are His heir (Romans 8:17). That means that everything that’s His -- including His authority -- now belongs to us.
Exercising our authority in Christ hinges on Ephesians 1:20 and Ephesians 2:6, these are the verses that say we are seated with God in Christ. As we meditate on these verses, we will see the revelation that we are the ones He moves through.
When adversity arises, we use our authority by speaking out what His Word says, using the Name of Jesus. For example, we could say, “Sickness, I bind you and command you to get to the feet of Jesus. You leave my body now, in Jesus’ name. According to 1 Peter 2:24 – by His stripes I am healed!” The authority is in the name.
If we were working for the CEO of a company and used his name when we needed something, the name of that CEO would get things done for us much quicker than if we used our own name. It’s the same in the spirit realm, except that the Name of Jesus is higher and carries more weight than any other name (Philippians 2:9).
When we use the Name of Jesus, believing that we’re seated with Him at the right hand of God, we are backed by all the power in heaven! Every knee must bow to that Name (Philippians 2:10).
In Acts 3 when Peter & John encountered a lame man at the Gate Beautiful, they did not look to the sky and say "Jesus please come down and help this man," no instead they said, “In the Name of Jesus, (we tell you to) rise up and walk” and he did! It wasn’t their own anointing or power that raised the man – it was the authority in the Name of Jesus. That same authority belongs to us – coming against the enemy, through the blood of the lamb, and the Name of Jesus we appropriate his gift of authority.
1. Prayer warriors need confession of personal sin and forgiveness and the cleansing of the Blood of the Lamb.
2. Prayer of protection and extension of the covenant rights over every area of prayer warriors’ lives including close and extended family, personal relationships, physical property and belongings, livestock and pets, gifting and anointing and ministries, and personal prophecies. Prayer warriors themselves should already have been through extensive deliverance especially in the area of inherited iniquities.
3. The process is three-fold consisting of:
a) Confession of sin on behalf of those who have committed them.
b) Dismantling of demonic structures and decommissioning of individual demonic forces.
c) Loosing and planting of Godly seed and angelic forces and fire of the anointing of the Holy Spirit.
4. Prayer must be on a macro level and on a micro level. This implies:
a) Macro: Properties and buildings are subject to territorial demons and strongholds; also subject to seasons in the spirit and the demonic plans laid out according to the heavenlies and the chambers of the moon and the sun.
b) Micro: Individual people through whom demonic forces may work and reinforce or agree with through the powers in the air, earth, water, fire.
5. In order to pray effectively, identification of spiritual strongholds and powers is imperative. This means that after the prayer of protection one needs to ask for the divine inspiration and revelation of the Holy Spirit to illuminate all works of darkness. Pray that all hidden things be revealed in the light of God and that all shadows and veils be removed so that the eyes of the Spirit may see and identify individual powers and sins committed through visions, words of wisdom and discernment and scriptures. Ask God to lose the prophetic anointing.
As sins have been revealed on behalf of those who have committed them, bring them individually before God and ask for His forgiveness. Don’t say “God forgive them”; say “God forgive us” - stand in the gap. Specifically mention any sins performed through rituals by the servants of Satan which includes all sexual perversity, blood sacrifices, black and white magic, divination, hexes, curses, spells and incantations. Ask that the Blood of Jesus Christ of Nazareth quieten the blood that is calling out for restitution. Ask that the spirits of those that have been sacrificed be commended into the hand of the Lord. Ask God to lift His Hand of Judgment in accordance to the sins committed.
Pray that all demons that have received worship through these acts of sin be dethroned from their positions of power. Break the power of all hexes, spells and incantations. Reverse all rituals and change every curse into a blessing. Destroy all witnesses in the spirit and push over all altars, thrones and idols that have been raised in worship to Satan. Ask God to send His Holy Fire to burn up all evidence of such things. Strike all forces of darkness with deafness, dumbness and blindness. Ask God to muzzle the gatekeepers, assigned watchers and the guardians ruling over the person/property. Cut the property free from the overlords and the territorial demons and their authority and rulership. Strip every individual demon of its assignment and decommission them from their task and position of authority over the place. Bind all identified demons and command them to draw back in the spirit and re-establish new boundaries by asking God to raise up walls of Holy fire.
Ask God to disturb the communication and unification of the lines of communication in the spirit realm between the demonic forces. Sow confusion into their ranks and isolate the demonic powers from one another and forbid them to use any physical objects (sacred stones/caves) and power points especially electricity, waterways and the sewerage system as sources of power. Declare that the seasons in the spirit (can be death, destruction, famine, war, worship of mammon, etc.) be changed over the person/place and remove all demonic banners and decrees. Declare the prophecies and plans laid out in the dark kingdom not applicable and powerless over the person/property.
Close all gateways in the spirit to the place and seal off the person/property. Ask God to purify all four of the elements (fire, air, water, earth). Declare that the person/property will remain sealed and the seal will not be broken by any agents of Satan and those who are demonized; take authority over all demons and bind them. Ask God that all human spirits also be made subject to the Lordship of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Pray that God would judge all demonic forces that seek to hinder and resist the prayers of the saints and that they be cast from their places of stubbornness and idolatry.
Untying and implanting of Godly seed and angels and the Fire of the Anointing of the Holy Spirit. Ask God that the presence of His Holy Spirit be made manifest in that place and that He would send His warring, covenant, linking and ministering angels to fill the place. Pray that the banner of the Lord our God, Jehovah Nissi, be raised in the spirit over the person/place. Pray that the Fire of God surround you and that you be hidden in the spirit. Pray that no backlash from the prayer be allowed to affect any of those praying and that all petitions to do so be counter-petitioned in the Name of Jesus. Loose God’s peace and joy and declare the rulership of Jesus over the place. Give God thanks, glory and honor for all He has done under the blood of the true Lord Jesus. AMEN.